Download What They Don’t Sea NSP, XCI ROM

Download What They Don’t Sea
Release Date March 29, 2024
Genre Platformer, Adventure
Publisher & Developer LearnDistrict
Image format NSP
System Nintendo Switch
Game version 1.0
Language English
Required firmware 17.0.1
Multiplayer Single System (1)
Age rating Teen
Supported play modes TV mode, Tabletop mode, Handheld mode

Game Overview

What They Don’t Sea takes you on an oceanic adventure, blending stunning visuals and eerie underwater landscapes, with a sprinkle of humor provided by charming sea creatures.

As a marine researcher for the Rachel Carson Research Organization (RCRO), your mission is to collect samples of a newly discovered algae species for an alternative energy project. Dive into the deep ocean, but don’t forget to keep an eye on your oxygen levels! Along the way, you’ll meet helpful creatures like Bean, a jellyfish who also happens to be a weapons dealer, to assist you in your encounters with the more dangerous inhabitants of the ocean.

About the Development Team

What They Don’t Sea was developed by Team Atlantis, a group of middle school girls who participated in a 3-week Girls Make Games summer camp in Durham, NC. Their game took home the Grand Prize at the 2019 Girls Make Games Demo Day competition and later raised over $40,000 on Kickstarter.

As part of their reward, Team Atlantis worked alongside professional developers to create the final version of the game, now available on the Nintendo Switch.

Team Atlantis Members: Twyla O., Riley K., Catie P., Claire H.

About Girls Make Games

Girls Make Games (GMG) is a series of international summer camps and workshops aimed at empowering the next generation of game designers, creators, and engineers. The flagship GMG camp teaches girls and nonbinary kids ages 8-18 how to design and code their own games.

Each camp concludes with Demo Day, where the top teams from around the country pitch their games to industry professionals. The Grand Prize winners receive exciting rewards and the opportunity to collaborate with developers to bring their game to life!

Both NSP and XCI ROM formats are compatible with emulation. Choose the format that suits your needs.

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  • Download What They Don’t Sea NSP ROM
  • Size: 192.5MB

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